Friday, February 24, 2012

What? Really? A Blog? Again? Ok...

Well hey there! It's been a while since I've done the blog thing (about a year actually), but since having four external links on my site looked nicer than three, I figured I'd make one of them to a blog. And since I was linking to a blog, I figured I should probably actually have a blog. And since I needed to have a blog, I figured I'd use the same name as my old blog. And so, here we are. Don't expect much from the blog - I'll probably handle it just like I did a year ago. by that I mean...

...I'll do it in a very (possibly annoying) whatever-comes-to-mind-while-typing kind of way, with the exception that since this is linked to my graphic design site, I'll actually post some work on here as well. Or at least I plan to.

Inspired by the awesomely talented Jill Sowell, I've decided to do some movie posters whenever I get bored, as opposed to gig posters. Hopefully by my next post I'll have a poster or two to show off.

A quick congrats to the also awesomely talented Molly Moon for getting to do a for-reals gig poster for Space Capone!

Oh, MSU Student Show people, I just don't understand you. I entered six pieces, and the worst one (which I do like, but it was definitely the least of the six) is the only one that was accepted. What. The. Eff.

Pretty sure Maggie's eating a button off of the shirt I wore yesterday.

Also, Jill doesn't know what Skrulls are. So, next time you see her, feel free to ridicule her for this.

Gonna start working out this week with Bert. We'll see how that goes.

I'm thinking about making a store for my design stuff too, but since I'll so rarely have stuff for sale, I might just limit it to an occasional blog post with a pic, price, and PayPal address. I'll have to get back to you on that.

Have fun and don't fall!

(Aww man, that signature is sexy, right? You know it is.)

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